
If you own a store and are looking for a cost-effective business management solution, the Fina Retail 40 GEL package is definitely for you. Fina24 Retail Basic is a software designed for stores that allows you to manage purchases and sales, make payments to buyers and vendors, and upload and download consignment notes. Fina24 Retail Basic package functionality, which costs 40 GEL per month, includes the following:

• Product purchase and sale in GEL

• Buyer and vendor payments

• Product and amount returns

• Stock inventory

• Consignment note upload and download

• Cashier POS version

• Product write off

• Reports

With the Cashier POS version, you can sell to both physical and juridical persons, control daily sales, generate standard reports, scan with a barcode, and upload a consignment note.

Finally, Fina24 Retail Basic is a cloud-based version. Data is stored on secure external servers, and there is no need to install a server on your premises since you use a web interface and only need internet access to work. You are not purchasing software but rather a service for a set period, which allows you to minimize expenses. The monthly rental price for Fina24 Retail Basic is 40 GEL, therefore, it is a convenient and cost-effective solution for small businesses.

სიახლე რესტორნებისთვის - მიიღეთ შეკვეთები მიმტანის მობილური აპლიკაციით
კომპანია FINA წარმოგიდგენთ მიმტანის აპლიკაციას, რომელიც გარდაქმნის აქამდე არსებულ გამოცდილებას და გაზრდის რესტორნების მუშაობის ეფექტურობას. თანამედროვე სამყაროში დროს და სისწრაფეს მომსახურებაში დიდი მნიშვნელობა ენიჭება.
FINA restaurant module integration with GLOVO, WOLT and BOLT delivery services
First time in Georgia the automatic reflection of incoming orders in food facilities is possible in the cloud restaurant module of FINA24, which simplifies daily processes and responds to modern technological challenges. With active cooperation, from now FINA Restaurant Module is already integrated with GLOVO, WOLT and BOLT delivery services, which means simplifying processes in food facilities: Incoming orders from the delivery platform to the cashier are reflected directly in the FINA sales module and after confirmation it will automatically sent in the kitchen. Cashiers no longer have to manually enter orders into the POS software and therefore, the risk of making mistakes is significantly reduced.
Sales mobile application for store
With the application developed by FINA, you can carry out sales, manage inventory and stocks, and issue consignment notes even from your mobile phone. You will no longer need to buy and place expensive POS equipment, which is very convenient in case of small spaces.
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